What We Do
We advocate and work to improve the social and economic wellbeing of our community through enterprise, improved housing and facilities, local employment and preserving Gurindji culture and heritage.
Our role as the Prescribed Body Corporate
for Kalkaringi
Native Title Holders at the Federal Court hearing, Kalkaringi May 2014
In May 2014 the Federal Court made a determination of Native Title over the Township of Kalkaringi in favour of Native Title Holders, with Gurindji Aboriginal Corporation becoming the Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC) for the Kalkaringi Indigenous Land Use Area (ILUA). As the PBC we have special prescribed functions under the Native Title Act 1993 (NTA) to:
hold, protect and manage determined native title in accordance with the objectives of Kalkaringi Native Title Holders, and;
ensure certainty for governments and other parties interested in accessing or regulating native title land and waters by providing a legal entity to manage and conduct the affairs of Native Title Holders.
Through advocacy, effective native title agreement-making and partnerships we’re delivering significant social and economic benefits across key areas of:
Community enterprise and local employment
New and improved housing for community members
New and improved community facilities
Preserving Gurindji culture and heritage
Supporting families, elderly and youth
We do not receive any royalty or lease income so rely purely on our community enterprise model and fundraising.
Our PBC Profile can be viewed here
Kalkaringi store & caravan Park
Food and supplies, visitor accommodation and 24 hr fuel.
Gurindji Construction & Maintenance
Trade-qualified and CAL accredited general construction works, housing upgrades, infrastructure maintenance, minor civil works, plant machinery hire and essential services operations.
preserving Gurindji culture and heritage
Freedom Day Festivals and the National Heritage Listed Wave Hill Walk-off Track.
community facilities & services
Construction and maintenance of recreation facilities including the Kalkaringi Multi-Purpose Court and Kalkaringi Sports Oval, Youth Support and Community Transport.